Text Express: Narrative Pack
The Text Express: Narrative Pack includes visual supports and explicit teaching lessons for the explicit teaching of narrative macrostructure, to support the development of listening and reading comprehension, and spoken and written narratives.
The following resources are included in The Narrative Pack:
- 14-page handout with overview of approach, explicit teaching scripts, instructional sequences and ideas for narrative production
- 13x A4 macrostructure icons
- 13x palm-sized macrostructure icons
- 10x differentiated narrative planners
- 4x differentiated narrative trains
- 1x character comparison chart
- 1x setting comparison chart
- 1x critical triangle analysis chart
- 1x character analysis chart
- 1x problem-resolution planner
- 4x differentiated narrative checklists
- 8x differentiated narrative rulers
- 8x differentiated narrative bingo boards
Most excitedly, also included are 11 explicit teaching lessons with step by step instructions to teach and practise spoken and written narrative skills for each part of a problem-resolution narrative! These lessons have been carefully designed to follow best-practice evidence for the initial teaching of concepts to students.
Presented on editable PowerPoints, each lesson includes:
- a clear learning objective and success criteria,
- review of previously taught concepts,
- explicit teaching scripts,
- beautiful images for examples and non-examples of concepts,
- regular checks for understanding,
- images and prompts for eliciting sentence-level writing, and
- opportunities for objective demonstration!
Licence Agreement
Copyright © 2023 Laura Glisson, Tracks to Literacy, www.trackstoliteracy.com
All Rights Reserved
The licensee, that is, the purchaser named on the invoice, may copy, and save this file onto a network for use within 1 site (school or clinic).
Users may not share, sell, or distribute these materials outside of the licenced site (e.g., school, clinic).
File Format
Files are downloaded in a combination of PPTx and PDF format.