My Future
In ‘My Future’, Tina struggles to decide what she’d like to be when she grows up. Incorporating a problem-resolution narrative structure, with carefully designed morpho-syntax targets and vocabulary related to ‘occupations’ this story is perfect for developing expressive and receptive language skills.
This story includes:
- 4 differentiated scripts varied in complexity for macrostructure elements and microstructure (vocabulary and syntax). The story scripts include an analysis of macrostructure and microstructure elements and suggested comprehension questions to ask during and after shared reading
- a PowerPoint presentation with images, script, teaching cues and checks for understanding for each of the 4 differentiated stories
- 4x differentiated storyboards with pictures for sequencing and oral retells, and
- 8 slides for Tier 2 vocabulary instruction
Licence Agreement
Copyright © 2023 Laura Glisson, Tracks to Literacy,
All Rights Reserved
The licensee, that is, the purchaser named on the invoice, may copy, and save this file onto a network for use within 1 site (school or clinic).
Users may not share, sell, or distribute these materials outside of the licenced site (e.g., school, clinic).
File Format
Downloaded as an editable PowerPoint or PDF document.