General Graphic Organisers and Posters
The Text Express: Generic Graphic Organisers and Posters resource posters and visuals to support the explicit teaching of non-fiction text structures, and to support the reading comprehension and writing process.
The following resources are included in Generic Graphic Organisers and Posters:
- 2x topic brainstorm charts
- 1x pros and cons T-chart
- 1x KWL (know, want, learn) chart
- 1x LINK (list, inquire, notes, know) chart
- 5x posters for non-fiction text structures including Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Describing, Problem-Solution, Sequence
- 5x graphic organisers for non-fiction text structures including Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Describing, Problem-Solution, Sequence
Copyright © 2023 Laura Glisson, Tracks to Literacy,
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